3 Quotes & Sayings By Ahmed Elkadi

Ahmed Elkadi is an Egyptian novelist and screenplay writer, and he has two novels in English, The Journey of Ibn Battuta and A Small Miracle. He also has a collection of short stories in English, The Martyrdom of Imam Ali and Other Stories. He has three novels in French: The Journey of Ibn Battuta, The Game and Muhammad. He is currently working on two novels in Arabic: The Journey of Ibn Battuta and the second novel is titled: Muhammad's Journey Written by: Ahmed Elkadi

Don't be sad that one day or another you met someone who undermined your capabilities and sapped your energy, what that person did could be the strongest crucible that forged a great leader Ahmed Elkadi
Putting in place the most ambitious and daring objective isn't enough, it should be backed with an intricate plan and executed like hell, this is what i call the superiority framework, from proximity the dots might seem random and chaotic but from a strategist view these dots are so beautifully interconnected forming greatness in an absolute form Ahmed Elkadi